Hi, my name is Zeul, and this is my website. This website is a place to put random things that I do. github. I host this on a raspberry pi in my basmenet.

July 14th 2024

The blog is back with a comment system to better detect spam! Go ahead try and spam me! The point is to deter crappy bots. Anything complex could probably take down this site pretty easily. Anyways Simryn and I went and saw Tokyo Police Club this weekend.


Wow awesome show a what a great time

Eric Araujo
So happy the website is back up! Great tool to improve my math skills!

this is so epic, sunset looks beautiful. excited for future blog posts with ZERO BOTS!!!!

April 13th 2024

I was thinking a bit about life in nature vs in cities. It seems like there are two sides to an argument: The first being that nature is very peaceful, and the second being that nature especially deep in jungles is filled with suffering due to plants and animals constantly trying to compete with each other. Knowing that I'd probably never get a response I sent this email to a guy who lives in the jungle who was on Lex Fridman:

Evolution does not seem like a very peaceful or happy process, but rather one of great suffering. The plants and animals which come into existence are quite beautiful but the process that brought them here I see as brutal. Is it not the same process that happens everyday in the jungle? The following quotes appeal to me, but I don't want them to.

“I don’t see [the jungle] so much erotic. I see it more full of obscenity. It’s just – Nature here is vile and base. I wouldn’t see anything erotical here. I would see fornication and asphyxiation and choking and fighting for survival and growing and just rotting away. Of course, there’s a lot of misery. But it is the same misery that is all around us. The trees here are in misery, and the birds are in misery. I don’t think they sing. They just screech in pain.”
- Werner Herzog

“The jungle seems peaceful, but in fact, there is murder and death in every direction and the plants and animals consistently try to kill each other”.

What do you make of these quotes? How do the animals really feel in the jungle? Isn't there a constant struggle to survive? Are animals in constant fear of being eaten or starving? As a result of governments, cities, supply chains, and law, humans mostly no longer have to deal with these issues. Some would argue that the pathway of happiness is through industrialization! How do you respond to this argument that the jungle is a disorderly place with mass murder and starvation? Are animals okay with dying? For example when you mentioned that if un-hunted, some populations of animals grow old and suffer, does this mean that they are okay with being hunted and eaten? How do animals feel dying!!???! You mentioned that you were sort of calm/at peace every time you've been on the brink of death. Perhaps this is how animals feel as well?


December 17th 2023

The website took a turn! We went from blue to red. I know how chaotic it is lmao. Trying it out for a bit idk.


i liked the red

it spacey purple now

hey zeul, dropping my insta here: patler14

also patrick
how much money do you spend each month for the website? what do you use?

Hi Patrick!

It’s just the cost of the electricity, I run this on a raspberry pi

how do you get rocket propellent in Canada

Idk David

November 7th 2023

Changed the domain to zeul.ca from zeulewan.com. wow. Set up a website for MARS check it out marstmu.com


October 6th 2023

Come on down to the MARS kick of meeting!


Kael Bossman

I will make Grace join

September 19th 2023

After writing a cover letter and an email knowing damn well that there are subtle grammatical errors in it, I thought about how I could use AI to remove those imperfections, but as a reader of a cover letter I’d prefer those imperfections to be present It's so much more authentic. I think authenticity will be a big part of the future with AI. The game won't be to be objectively the best at art, it will be to be fully authentic, and to thereafter compare yourself to those around you. Painting competitions won't become corrupted by AI, people will know that AI can make the art that best appeals to the judges. People will know it's impossible to compete against AI, so we won't care to. I don't think people will look at AI as a way to help make art or anything. In person competitions might become very popular for being able to ensure competition stays AI-less. I suspect people will stop using grammarly and these things to help with essay writing, because the only point of writing an essay will be to show your character, and skills at writing. I favor a world where humans have a need to do things in a similar way to the way we do things now because rate limited communication is a fundamental need for humans. Like imagine being able to transmit every message in the most effective way possible. Perhaps it is to our happiness to have to decipher messages. I bet a large part of the brain is dedicated to the processing of speech, and it's probably true that if just a bunch of your brain is just not being used, you get depressed. Or maybe that part of your brain will start being used for other stuff. Part of our meaning of life, is probably having conversations that are quite slow and difficult to process. I just don't know how much AI will actually change our day to day. Like it's damn true that there's not gonna be any bus drivers or anything like that, but how humans actually operate will probably be with minimal AI in their interactions. People will probably spend more time competing in things. School will be for the competition rather than the prospect of getting a job. I bet people will focus their time on much more social things. We'll probably come to realize that AI entertainment is worse than a lot of drugs.
I actually can't see a future where we're fused with AI anymore. The rate of data transfer to our brain will probably stay the same. We'll have to ability to max the data transfer rate to our brains but that probably won't be something we'll wanna do. Being a ultra intelligent human will be the most useless thing. What'll the purpose of that be? You'll always be slower than the best AI. People will use brain computers interfaces not for intelligence but aiding in tasks that we already do today. A BCI will be... Well either we're in VR non stop with them and everything is VR and ur a skeleton in real life, or we're just slightly enhanced like you have a representation of a physical computer and like headphones and stuff. I'm not sure if anyone will go outside with perfect VR at their fingertips. Going on say a hike in VR might lack the necessary feature that is the risk of dying. It just might not be fun to do anything that you could do in the real world in VR because no one takes it seriously. The video games might be fun for us but they might get too close to wireheading. If I could be in a lucid dream 24/7 I probably wouldn't but lucid dreaming while sleeping is cool. Not sure if I want any of that during the day tho.

The only problem arises when the AI is indistinguishable or better than humans in all respects. The truth is that we may be better off only communicating with AIs, ones that are best suited for our personality and would make us the most happy, ones that would challenge us but not too much, ones that would listen to us but not so much to make us feel overly important, and yatta yatta. But with wireheading, and such, do we really want what’s best for us? Or are we okay with know that we're not our best selves. People will probably stick to the old ways of humanity. In what setting are humans most happy. Probably that in which we stopped evolving. Are the happiest people now happier than the happiest people back in the day? What I'm saying, is in a world of AI how will humanity choose to live if we can live however we want. Will we even be given the option is the other question though. We'll probably all have our own personal AI that we can program to do whatever we want, then there will probably be some AI companies that have even more powerful AI's. Maybe. Maybe there's only so much value that any given number of FLOPS can get you on earth. It could be that, we all have this max number. If 20 petaFLOPS gets you one humans brain worth, then how many humans of computer would you even want. Surely you want a little bit more than your own, but you probably don't need more than 100,000,000,000,000. So if we could all have that or more, would there even be a possibility for someone to use more? Again the truth is that we'll either have all AI relationships or none. There doesn't seam like there's room for in between. I lean to the side that there will be j
going to bed now


September 16th 2023

If you flew up to a planet in the middle of space, and there was nothing except you and this planet in the hypothetical universe, how on earth would you measure how fast it is spinning. I don’t think you can! Well what if there was a moon of this planet that was way way the hell out there. And what if you measured the planets spin with respect to this moon and said wow this moon is the thing that is stationary and calculated orbital velocity relative to the moon. Well big G could be just about anything in that case. What if the moon was close enough that it was basically touching the planet (just ignore tidal forces okay) well. And what if the planet was such that its spin with respect to the moon was zero. Then if you were to stand on the planet you’d be like yooo damn there’s like no gravity on this planet. Idk just random. I guess you could measure the spin by being in orbit and sending a bunch of pods hither and tither and observing them to see which ones fall out of orbit the fastest, then do some iteration until you find the exact speed for the fastest decent rate. Then you could measure the spin of the planet relative to a thing depending at the fastest rate. Yeah that’s probably what you’d do. Nvm that moon BS. But what if you were orbiting a black hole or something. You’d have to orbit insanely fast. Like crazy crazy fast like speed of light speed. In that case, like you’d have such a tough time sending pods in each direction and seeing which one falls the fastest. You’d probably just measure the spin of the black hole relative to the orbit of light or some bs. Being able to measure the spin relative to the fastest descending object is kinda crazy because that would mean in an empty universe you’d be able to have a measure for the spin relative to ____. Relative to what is just my question!? This implies some sort of fabric or ether of the universe. This relates to like the conservation of angular momentum or smthn. I mean it like this: all the planets are in the same plane of orbit around the sun, this is because the sun is moving through space. But like what if there was nothing else out there except the solar system. That means that we can measure the velocity of the sun without anything else around.
its 2:09 AM rn idk whats going on. I'll read this back and edit it later. This was kind of the thought I was trying to convey back in august 2022


September 10th 2023

Made a lot of little improvements to the blog today. I'm trying out having the text justified. The next things to do would be to use javascript for the comments (idk tho because at that point I might as well use SQL) and finally make a custom page for my linktree finally.
On a different note, I've been doing a lot of arduinoing lately. I bought the nano 33 ble sense for my Another Flight Computer project. It looked like a great board but since there is only one hardware serial port and no ability to do software serial, the thing is totally useless because I don't wanna do that canbussing stuff. So I ended up buying the teensy 4.1 which is what Alessandro at MetRocketry is using. This is picture of Bao and I holding some arduinos.


Absolutely love the new look. The comments boxes epic!!🤙🤙

keep the php it solos

September 3rd 2023

Went to launch canada last week. Built this little flight computer

and launched it 181m high in a little E class rocket:

I dressed up a bit

went to a conference

my role on my team was capcom

this is a video of our engine firing


Robin Mordasiewicz
Nice test

Looking sharp 👍

July 20th 2023

went on a cool camping trip!
